Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary
In The Press
Fundraising success in a challenging year
The Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary has had quite a challenging year when it comes to fundraising efforts.
Our tried and true events were put on hold but this dedicated group came together and held a couple of very successful events.
The Purdy’s chocolate sale we held before Christmas did very well, thanks to friends, family and neighbours of our members,
Our Bunny Hop was a virtual event, with participants walking, running and biking on their own time during a two day period. Thanks to the participants and our donors this event turned out so well that plans are already underway to make this an annual event. Watch for us next Easter.
Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary to host virtual ‘Bunny Hop’
The Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Societyès next fundraiser—just in time for Easter—will be going virtual.
The Auxiliary will host the Bunny Hop, in which participants are encouraged to collect donations and—
sometime between now and the end of the campaign on April 6—then walk, run or cycle either one, five or ten